Wednesday, November 14, 2012

It's a God thing

The coolest thing happened today on my way into work.  Every day I play a Hillsong CD in my car, and I listen to it all the way to and from work (and anywhere I go!). I’m obsessed with this CD to say the least.  Anyway, one of my favorite songs on the CD has always been desert song.  I have often repeated it over and over again just because the lyrics ring so true to my life.

Today, I came into work a little later than normal because I stayed almost an hour later yesterday.  On my way to work, the desert song came on and I started thinking about all that Luke and I are going through with finances, infertility, and marital issues.  The part of the song that says,
“And this is my prayer in the fire
In weakness or trial or pain
There is a faith proved
Of more worth than gold
So refine me Lord through the flames”
 was playing and I looked over to my left and I was passing the Head Start bus as it was going to Springfield to the discovery center and I was headed to work.  Something inside me, deep down, said it’s all going to be alright.  Chills ran down my spine, tears began to form in my eyes. Just as I passed the Head Start bus and it was out of my sight, the lyrics that say,
“All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship” 
 were playing.  How fitting.  Sometimes I need a reminder that everything will be okay. God has me exactly where he wants me. He knew I needed a reminder today.  He knew my heart had been breaking more these last few days than they have been in the past. I count it a blessing to be where I am. It’s definitely a God thing that I’m in this position.  He knew I needed great, supportive, CHRISTIAN people in my life (especially Jennifer--the other family advocate—she’s such a blessing to me, and she has no idea!) that I can talk to about things and that I needed these kiddos to help fill that deep void in my life. 

How great is our God?

 Greater than my words could ever express.


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