Sunday, May 22, 2011

I graduated!

Here are some pictures of me and my family during graduation festivities!

Me and my mom
Me and my Grandpa Rice

Me and my Memaw Partridge (I'm wearing a necklace with my Poppies thumbprint from after he passed away--so, he was there too!!!

My Mom, Dad, and sister

My Uncle Tim and Aunt Jeanna

Me and the hubs...yes, he squints in pictures...

Me and my sister Michaela

Me and my dad


  1. Such awesome pictures! Congratulations!!! Toot! Toot! :0)

  2. Well done on graduating!! And you got married very very young! I always wonder how people manage with all the expenses when they marry so young.
    I wish you all the very best in this ttc journey, I'm sure you hear this a lot but time is definitely on your side.
    Love, Fran

    ICLW #10

  3. Stopping by for ICLW! Congratulations on your graduation. Love the pictures :)

  4. Congratulations on your graduation.. Love the photos and wishing you all the luck in the world.

    ICLW #23

  5. Congrats! You didn't tell me you little twerp! I'm so happy for you! Great pics and nice to see what you guys all look like! I wanted to say I loved your comment today! You are a wonderful girl and I am proud to say I know you! Let me know if you and Luke decide to take me up on my offer. Till then go get 'em tiger!

  6. Hello from ICLWland! Congrats on your graduation, and best of luck moving forward!

  7. Congrats on graduating! Such a big accomplishment!

    from ICLW# 58


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